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What is Purchase? How and Why should you use it?

Purchase feature:

The purchase feature is the product stock tracker especially designed for SME retailers. It has been designed to provide the most efficient way to keep track of wholesale purchases and inventory. This allows business owners to keep history of transactions regarding stock management.


✅You will be able to keep an account by writing the name and price of the product very quickly
✅ Quick purchase can be done by scanning Barcodes
✅ Products can be easily selected from the product list
✅ Storage numbers will be updated automatically
✅ Can be filtered according to different categories
✅ Profit-Loss will be measured automatically

How to use Purchase Feature:

  1. Search here which product you want to purchase. You can filter your category by selecting ‘Filter’ option. Or you can scan the barcode of your product by clicking the ‘scan’ button at the right side.
  2. Here is the list of your products which you selected.
  3. You can see how many products you are going to purchase.
  4. Click this button to purchase.