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What is Hishabee’s Business Overview? How and Why should you use it?

Business Overview:

The business overview is an all-in-one solution for managerial accounting reports, With Hishabee app’s business overview feature, you can get real-time updated reports by year, month, week even day.

Benefits of Business overview reports and analytics:

✅ All in one smart and simple solution for all business reporting needs.
✅ Easily see your business cash flow, profit, expenses, and product value.
✅ Easily track and find your best employees and customers.
✅ Filter by date, month, or year to see the history of business records.
✅ Instant birds-eye and detailed view of the overall business.
✅ Get accurate business reports and analytics.

How to use Business Overview:

  1. Select time period for report. You can get report by Day, Week, Month or Year.
  2. Selected time period’s Total Income and Total Expense is shown here. You can add income or expense by clicking the buttons.
  3. This section will show your business’s General Sales Report and details are shown.
  4. Total Accounts payable and Accounts receivable is shown on Buttons Total Receive & Total Due.
  5. Scroll down to find All Business Reports. Touch the respective buttons to get detailed Transaction report, Purchase report, Product stock report, the Best customer, best employee Income statements and many more.